Yeah Your Sport Is Totally Tougher Than Ours Said No Rugby Shirt. Brush and floss thoroughly every single day without exception. Hell, get an electric toothbrush. See the dentist regularly. Ditch the sugary drinks.I was a raging alcoholic in my twenties and thought I would never recover from it. I never found a real job using my first degree or my masters. Part of it was because I was always drunk, part of it was the job market at the time.I went back to school in my thirties and found something I like a whole lot more. Now, I’m married, nearly ten years sober, and have a great job.
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My point is, if you end up on the wrong path or don’t like where you are. There’s always time to turn around and change it. Too many people just assume they’re stuck where they are.Yeah Your Sport Is Totally Tougher Than Ours Said No Rugby Shirt. And stuck with the issues they have.I also wasted basically the entire decade of my 20s as an alcoholic spiraling deeper and deeper. The more I drank, the more I felt like I was “falling behind” in life, because I could only function just enough to hold down an okay job and pretend to care about friendships and relationships; I certainly wasn’t taking advantage of my That feeling I was wasting my life only drove me to drink even more…rinse and repeat.
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I managed to get sober at 30 and have had a completely fresh start on my life since then. I landed a great job with solid opportunity for growth, started exercising a lot more and eating way better, I’m working on post-grad programs for my job and am considering an MBA, I devote a lot more time and passion to my hobbies, and I’m just all-around a better friend and partner.When I was 22, an older gentleman asked me how old I was and then told me, “chad303, when you are twice that age, you’ll be twice the man you are today.” I almost considered it a slight in that moment, but time has proven him wise. Yeah Your Sport Is Totally Tougher Than Ours Said No Rugby Shirt.
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