Moscow Biden Inauguration 2021 American Flag Shirt Mitch has plenty of backbone. Look at how he denies coronavirus relief no matter how much the rest of the country screams at him. Dear Lord, I hope you’re right. I really do. Otherwise, we’re done here in this country. They will need to go on the offensive hard. Their problem in 2009 with the ACA is that they were always on the defensive. Had they gone on the attack and set the narrative they would have been more successful in overcoming the GOP opposition. I want to hope that they learned their lesson after 09’s misstep.
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Especially if Biden Inauguration 2021 American Flag Shirts the Dems get control of the Senate back. They’ve got two years to get everything into place before midterms. They have to keep their foot on the gas this time and not let the GOP get even a toehold on some power. All the while laughing about it. How about repealing Trump’s tax bill to pay for it? I will always remember these 4 years of absolute treachery. Ah. There it is. I was wondering when they would start bitching about the deficit, which they so clearly created btw. Now they will try to hang this around Biden’s neck while he is the president to try and make him look bad.
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