here.” “No, just keep him there,” urged Ginny. “Then in your next class, Luna Lovegood will say, ‘Excuse me, Professor, did you know there’s a phoenix on your shoulder?’ And you should deny it, of course.” Harry smiled. “See you all next week,” he said, and headed back to Bigfoot The Difference Between A Beer And Your Opinion Is That I Asked For A Beer Shirt his office. He sat down in his chair; Fawkes hopped onto the desk and regarded Harry, • 306 • who started petting him. “I’d love to know what this is all about, Fawkes.” he said. He thought about traveling back to Dumbledore’s office and trying to leave Fawkes there, but he knew that phoenixes were extraordinarily magical creatures, and that in the end, Fawkes would do what he wanted.
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Harry would just have to wait until he could talk to Dumbledore The next class went well, despite the slight distraction of Fawkes’ presence; Luna did manage to Bigfoot The Difference Between A Beer And Your Opinion Is That I Asked For A Beer Shirt tell an improbable story that her father once published about a phoenix. The class was good, partly because it had the highest number of D.A. members of any of Harry’s classes. After the class, Harry headed off to lunch.. “Cool, Harry! You stole Fawkes!” joked Ron. “You’re not hiding him very well, though. Kind of conspicuous.” Harry explained what had happened. “I just have to wait until I can talk to Professor Dumbledore, I don’t know what’s going on.” “Phoenixes are really smart, Harry,” said Hermione. “I’m sure he has a very good reason for doing this, you just don’t know what it is.” “Well, I’ll be interested to find out. I attract enough attention without having a phoenix on my shoulder.” Harry paused and looked up. “It’s kind of nice having him around, though. He’s nice, and his feathers are really soft.” Hermione said,
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“We want to know the whole story of the dream, of course, but we know you’re going to Bigfoot The Difference Between A Beer And Your Opinion Is That I Asked For A Beer Shirt tell your first years at 4:00. We thought we’d just join you then, so you don’t have to do it again.” Harry said that sounded fine. The rest of lunch was uneventful. Parvati and Lavender came over to admire Fawkes, as did Hannah Abbott and a few others. At about 12:40, as Harry was considering heading over to the staff room, a golden dog entered the Great Hall and headed for Harry. He jumped up into Harry’s lap, and buried his head in Harry’s chest. Hermione smiled radiantly; Ron looked curious. “Well, I don’t want to keep him waiting,” Harry said, and got up. “Harry, thank you for coming. Ah,
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