My girlfriend and I both work in healthcare in Canada and live together. We both had symptoms but her symptoms were worse so they only wanted to Top Rockin The Nurse Life Shirt test her when we went to the assessment center. They made us both quarantine for 14 days regardless of test result (the tests are not conclusive either way). Clearly there are just not enough tests going around. In the US where Joe is privatized practices can obtain the testing materials on their own so their supplies would be separate from what a hospital or assessment center can acquire. Joe is rich and so he can just test as many of his friends/guests as many times as he’d like as long as his doctor has a supply to do the tests.
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The amount of people who go to the ER for things that are not even close to Top Rockin The Nurse Life Shirt an emergency is insane. As is the amount of people who use the ER in place of a General Practitioner, and hit the ER any time they or their child has a cold or a slight fever. Unless you require stitches, have a broken bone, or are unable to breathe or have some other truly life-threatening thing going on, you really shouldn’t be at the ER. Don’t go for a broken nose though.. A few days later I went to Mexico and the next morning I had a consultation CAT scan and surgery and was sent home all in one day. I had to return a couple of times after surgery. All that was $3k including flight. American healthcare is a joke.
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There is a reason that we see those receipts from the 1960s and 70s where the hospital bill for having a baby was like $300. A few days later it hurt even worse and I could barely open my mouth, couldn’t even eat really. I went back and a Top Rockin The Nurse Life Shirt different doctor looked at the same X-ray and said “oh yeah you have a fracture.” My local hospital is actually consistently ranked in the top half of the “Top 20 Worst Hospitals In America” list, like 10 years running. Everyone here has horror stories about that place. Long story short, surgery was my only option but the Dr said it would probably heal on its own. I didn’t get the surgery and now my jaw pops/cracks pretty loud whenever I open my mouth more than 70% of the way.
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