I saw a lady driving like a complete asshole one day. She was cutting in and out of traffic, hazard lights on, then off, then on again. I drive a lot for work so I try to never let idiot drivers get on my nerves or in my head. I usually pull into the right lane and let them do their thing. Well, I did just that, and she pulled up on my tail real close. There was nowhere else for me to go. She ended up passing me on Cat It’s In My DNA American Shirtthe right in the breakdown lane, and when I looked at the jerk that just did that piece of the shit movie, I saw a woman holding what I can only describe as a lifeless dog. Now I am a dog lover and the owner of 3 dogs that mean so much to me. I instantly welled up with tears in my eyes.
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I knew where she was going. I don’t know what happened to the dog. I’m not really confident that it was a happy ending, but it solidifies in my mind that we can’t know everyone’s motives when we are out in the big world. Wow, I really rambled here. Sorry for bending your ear so hard, but the story you linked to reminded me of that situation. Being a young kid, I’d get drunk almost nightly and since they don’t have late-night pizza, I’d stop by these small 24 hour stores and buy sausage and canned salmon eggs to Cat It’s In My DNA American Shirt munch on the way back to the hotel. Less so now, but back then, Georgia (and most CIS) had a lot of stray dogs. I’d buy a ton of cheap sausages and basically Pied Piper their asses all the way back home. I’d throw little pieces at any hungry mongrel and usually have a dozen + dogs following me on a nightly basis.
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Never be considerate on the road – only predictable. Follow the rules of the road – and if someone else fucks up the rules so badly that you cannot follow the rules, just accept that you’re going to Cat It’s In My DNA American Shirt be delayed. someone blocks the entire crosswalk because they suck, don’t walk in front of them (potentially in front of traffic) or behind them (reverse risk) – just accept that you were hit with a delay. While I don’t always follow this advice myself when I am out and about, I do always follow it when I am with someone who is more vulnerable than myself
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