“But you do, Professor. And you know that I am right.” A golden dog nosed its way in through the barely open door. All the teachers kept an eye on it, wondering who it would be for. It walked up to Harry, jumped into his lap, pawed at his chest, and licked his face. Harry chuckled and petted it. “I really like this dog, the dog had almost vanished when he walked up the steps to Cat Technically Alcohol Is A Solution ShirtDumbledore’s waiting door. Harry found himself wishing that the dog could stay around for awhile as he entered the office. “Ah, Harry, please sit down. I know you have a class in not too long a time; this will just take a moment. This is in the nature of a precaution;
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” he said to the room in general, looking into the dog’s eyes. “It’s very affectionate. I never had one, but I would have liked one like this.” He petted it a bit more , then shooed it off his lap as he got up. He now noticed the teachers staring at him, or looking at each other with expressions that shared far more with each other than with Harry. Snape in particular wore a look that spoke volumes, but Harry couldn’t understand those volumes. “What?” he asked nobody in particular. “You should not keep the headmaster waiting, Professor Potter,” said McGonagall, wearing her usual poker face. The other teachers’ expressions were no easier to read. Harry was sure something was up, but he had no idea what it could be, and they obviously weren’t going to tell him. Not wanting to keep Dumbledore waiting, however, he got up to leave, following the dog. • 260 • Harry reached Dumbledore’s office in less than a minute;
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Professor Snape has received intelligence suggesting a greater-than-average likelihood that Voldemort will again attempt to Cat Technically Alcohol Is A Solution Shirt access your mind while you are asleep. It may not happen at all, or it may happen but you ward it off in your sleep. I know you are being careful about practicing Occlumency, and there should be no problems. I simply wanted you to know about this information, since we have it and it relates to you.” “Thank you, Professor, I appreciate it,” Harry said. “No problem at all, Harry. Off you go then, you don’t want to be late.” Harry went back to the teachers’ room to get his bag, then headed off to Potions. He ran into Hermione on the way, and told her about Snape’s odd politeness. “Strange,” she agreed. “You’re still ready to deal with his usual attitude, though? “Yes, I’m not expecting this to continue,” he assured her. But to their great surprise, Snape kept up
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