your question, you did cause yourself harm by your actions, but it was temporary harm. It was of a cautionary nature, the type in which a child touches a hot stove and so learns not to Clothing Sweep The Leg Funny Deadpool Cable Shirt do so again. I think it is highly likely that if you ever found yourself in a similar situation, you would not do what you did this time. Not because you would consciously choose differently–you did not consciously choose in this incident–but you would unconsciously choose differently.”
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Harry fervently hoped that Dumbledore was right. He was willing to take it on faith for the time being, as he was with anything Dumbledore said. “Thank you, Professor.” Dumbledore tilted his head in acknowledgment. “Shall we begin the Occlumency lesson, then?” Dumbledore asked. Harry and the others exchanged glances and nodded. Dumbledore conjured four cushiony, comfortable chairs and gestured them to sit, which they did. “Firstly, Harry, I would like you to describe in some detail the nature of the lessons you received from Professor Snape last year. It will help me in choosing where to Clothing Sweep The Leg Funny Deadpool Cable Shirt start.” Harry spent the next five minutes giving Dumbledore the highlights of his lessons with Snape, and Snape’s methods. Harry thought he saw Dumbledore’s face cloud up a few times during the account, which was remarkable because Dumbledore almost never showed any negative emotion. He soon discovered that he wasn’t the only one who had noticed. “Thank you, Harry,” said Dumbledore. “I now have a good idea of where to begin. Yes, Hermione?” he asked, seeing her hand in the air. “Professor, you don’t approve of what Professor Snape did with Harry, do you? I could see it in your face, and that’s very rare for you.” He nodded. “You are quite perceptive, Hermione. But yes, I am human, and my feelings will show in my face from time to time. I would have preferred that these did not, because a fundamental rule of teaching at Hogwarts is that teachers do not criticize each other in front of students.
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But your question deserves an answer. “No, I do not approve of how Professor Snape handled Harry’s lessons. The largest problem was that he simply told Harry to clear his mind, without giving any specific instruction on how to Clothing Sweep The Leg Funny Deadpool Cable Shirt do so. There are methods, disciplines, practices, which Professor Snape knows. He seems to have utilized a ‘learn by doing’ approach. His approach is technically defensible; no doubt there are some instances in which it could work. But I do not think he chose this method because he thought it would be efficacious.” • 151 • “In other words, he did it so that he could have an excuse to beat up on Harry just hate to go back; it’s like volunteering to step into a prison when you could be free. I don’t know
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