I am NOT a Cute Japanese Santa Spitz Dear Santa I Can Explain Light Christmas Shirt expert in this area. But the abstract is fascinating. It seems to state that they can measure neurons reporting what was perceived in one step before measuring the neurons representing WHAT WAS REPORTED from the crow brain in a second step. What I want to know is how the crow brain goes from representing stimuli to representing its own output. Does this mean crows can lie? I recall reading somewhere that can be deceitful, apparently hiding food in a location, but if they know they’re being watched, they fake it, then hide it somewhere else.
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In regards to the Cute Japanese Santa Spitz Dear Santa I Can Explain Light Christmas Shirts your very last question. If they are capable of basic reasoning, they would have to logic their way. To being deceitful as positive for them. Grew up working on a dairy farm. Cows get bummed out when their friends are gone. Sometimes that happens because of sickness or birthing, sometimes they don’t come back. It’s not that you don’t notice the difference in your interactions (you notice), but you can tell by looking at a graph of their milk production. I’ve got a theory that that’s also why so many of them are hated: They’re able to out-compete us at our own game, on our own turf. Like, what another animal besides a gull is ballsy enough to steal food directly out of our hands?
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