until then (“it’s not as though there hasn’t been lots of other stuff to talk about,” he pointed out). Harry told them that the lesson was supposed to Deadpool I’m Pretty Confident My Last Words Will Be Well Shit That Didn’t Work Shirt take place in the Burrow, which surprised Ron, as he hadn’t known. At noon, it was decided that they would all go back to the Burrow, including Hermione, who was hoping she could put in a good word for the twins with Mrs. Weasley.
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Harry and the Weasleys said goodbye to Hermione’s parents, and they took the fireplace to the Burrow. The Weasleys’ living room was empty, which to Deadpool I’m Pretty Confident My Last Words Will Be Well Shit That Didn’t Work Shirt Harry was unusual; his experience was that the house was a hub of activity. Ron’s father was at his job, and Harry imagined the twins were tending their shop. They didn’t see Mrs. Weasley. Harry walked over to the clock that gave the location of every Weasley; hers was on ‘shopping.’ “Looks like we’re the only ones here, then,” said Ron. They all sat down in the living room. “So, tell us about what Dumbledore said when he told you about the Occlumency lessons,” said Ron. Harry related it as best he could remember, up to • 145 • where the conversation turned to Harry’s teaching position. Ron took mild umbrage at Harry’s description of him as unusually vulnerable to Malfoy’s taunts. “But it’s true!” insisted Hermione, as Ron scoffed. “As soon as he starts saying stuff, you lunge for him, you don’t even use your wand. You need to do what Professor Dumbledore says, ignore him. They’re only words.” “Didn’t you haul off and slap him once?” Ron reminded her. “I’m not saying I’m perfect,” she admitted. “But I usually just try to be dignified and ignore it. He always does it to you because you react so well.
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Harry is better; except for that incident after the Quidditch match last year, he usually ignores it or insults him back. If you can’t ignore him, at least come up with some good insults to use against him for this year. You can make it a summer project.” “This is an interesting suggestion from you… a summer project that doesn’t involve schoolwork,” smirked Ron. “Like there’s much chance of getting you to do schoolwork in summer,” she retorted. Harry chuckled. “I’ve got to say, after a month of being ignored at the Dursleys’, it’s even good to listen to Deadpool I’m Pretty Confident My Last Words Will Be Well Shit That Didn’t Work Shirt you two quibbling.” Ron and Hermione laughed. “It really must be bad there,” said Ron, though of course, he knew. As 1:00 approached, Harry said, “By the way, when Dumbledore arrives, don’t clear out right away. I want to ask him something with you all there.” Right on time at 1:00, Dumbledore appeared in the Weasleys’
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