“Right this minute, a bit terrified,” Harry answered honestly. “Part of me is wondering how I managed to get myself into it.” “If I had to guess, I would say that you found it particularly difficult to say ‘no’ to Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You I Can Still Code And Debug Like A Rock Star Shirt Professor Dumbledore,” she said with understated amusement. “You would not be the first to whom this has happened. Teaching will be unfamiliar at first, but after a while you will be fine, I’m sure.” Harry nodded, not saying anything. He very much hoped she was right, but he still felt overwhelmed by the whole experience.
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“Now, I would like to discuss your O.W.L. results with you, in terms of how they will affect your schedule. First of all, here are the results themselves.” She handed him a piece of paper. Harry read it quickly, scanning the important parts. His scores were: Astronomy: fail; Care of Magical Creatures: Exceeds Expectations; Charms: Outstanding; Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Divination: fail; Herbology: Acceptable; History of Magic: fail; Potions: Exceeds Expectations; Transfigurations: Exceeds Expectations. He didn’t quite know what to feel; some scores were better than he’d expected, others, worse., and had expected to Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You I Can Still Code And Debug Like A Rock Star Shirt fail after taking the exam; he felt History of Magic was borderline, but he missed the last ten minutes of the exam due to the pain and panic of the false vision that eventually led him to the Department of Mysteries; and as for Astronomy, he felt reasonably sure he would have passed had he not lost the time everyone else did due to the commotion that took place that night and was the source of Hermione’s complaints that the exam results were not fair. Even so, he was not happy with three ‘fails.’ The most shockingly positive result was the Exceeds Expectations score in Potions. Immediately after the exam . And, my goodness, you’re a professor! Isn’t it amazing? Aren’t you excited?” She finally let go of him, looking at him expectantly. “Well, if by ‘excited’ you mean ‘overwhelmed’ or ‘terrified,’ then yes, I’m pretty excited,” Harry replied.
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“Hermione, how can I be ready for this? I don’t know if I can do it.” “Of course you can,” Hermione said, trying not to be impatient with Harry’s nervousness. “You taught twenty-five of us. How can this be any different?” “Because we all wanted to be there. “I’m going to be teaching a bunch of people–” “This isn’t like Divination or History of Magic, where people don’t care,” Hermione interrupted him with surprising vehemence. “Defense Against the Dark Arts may be the most practical and important subject in the whole school. I promise you, nobody is going to come to Don’t Let The Gray Hair Fool You I Can Still Code And Debug Like A Rock Star Shirt class not caring whether they learn anything or not. They’ll want to learn, and they’ll pay attention to what you say.
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