I legitimately believe that Trump’s comment about George Floyd looking down from heaven was his off the cuff attempt to Don’t Let The Pretty Face Fool You Shirt make a unity statement. Masters of War is crazy for its time. A song from the early 60s about the military-industrial complex. At the same time, The Beatles were singing Love Me Do. I do wish people heard more of his mid 60s stuff when he went electric. When he’s reading what he’s supposed to say, he’s petulant and bored. When it’s his own nonsense, he’s really into it.
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Yes! And when he reads a Don’t Let The Pretty Face Fool You Shirt part of his written speech and he actually understands it, he repeats it more deliberately with the hand gestures in shorter sentences like he just made it up. I’m in an office pool betting on when he’ll finally slip and say it on TV. a powerful country like I rebuilt the military Obama wanted to give it to Mexico and I said no we’re building a wall and the wall is already finished and it’s so beautiful but still people are trying to say Black Lives Matter and really what does that even mean I
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knows that Obama said the tests were beautiful but the tests were not beautiful they were bad until I came and said I wanted beautiful tests and so I made them beautiful because I am a tremendous believer in the tests and power the power of our military is second to Don’t Let The Pretty Face Fool You Shirt none because I believe we need to that’s why I built the Space Force before me and people say I was hiding in a bunker I wasn’t hiding in the bunker because I was scared I don’t get scared I get we had never gone to space never ever
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