Also, we can just assume she did something wrong, right? Like most people don’t flick people off for no reason. It could have been a misunderstanding, but she likely did something she was oblivious about while driving. She said she was going the speed limit and op said she was going too fast so Idk where they got that from.. there are tons of things you can do wrong to Elephant Free Mom Hugs shirt annoy others besides just speeding. Agreed. The guy could have just been a jerk but she may have done something wrong. It happens. But my god the mother’s reaction is so over the top. That’s just not normal. I sometimes feel like a jerk for it, but I flip people off if they’re speeding near I live. I live in a residential neighborhood where people walk around all the time. It’s am easy spot to hit somebody by mistake. Watch out for people, especially your neighbors.
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We went to Reno for my son’s 21′ st birthday and on that Saturday night, we went to Elephant Free Mom Hugs shirt the comedy club. I have a shaved head, goatee, gauged earrings, face piercings, and tattoos. he comedian asked me what do I do for a living and I said “I’m a librarian. He about fell off the stage laughing and said something like “nobody returns books late because you’d kick their asses right!” It was a great time. The comedian ended up spending a lot of time talking to our table and the “kids” enjoyed their first time at a comedy club.
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My buddy and I were front row, drinking hurricanes because they were on sale, and strong, which is important when you’re young and broke. The comedian was doing his act, glanced at our drinks, and then stopped abruptly, like a record scratch. He stared at us with a disappointed look, and pointed at our drinks and said “so uh….how long have you two been dating?” The crowd lost it. It’s happened to me a Elephant Free Mom Hugs shirt few times. My friend always wants to sit in the front. It’s usually in good fun when the comedian does crowd work. But we saw Tony Hinchcliffe once and he was just a mean spirited asshole. Not funny, not roasting with jokes, just screaming insults at us. I went to a comedy show that I wasn’t feeling. No heckling, not checking my phone, just not laughing. The comedian stopped the show and said “come on man, not even one laugh” and I didn’t know what to do. It was so uncomfortable
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