, Harry felt he might have squeaked by with an • 43 • ‘Acceptable,’ but was amazed to Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Everything Shirt learn he had done even better. My potion must have ended up all right, he thought. His other results were as expected or better; he hadn’t expected an ‘Outstanding’ in Charms or an ‘Exceeds Expectations’ in Care of Magical Creatures or Transfigurations. He consoled himself with the thought that of his three ‘fails,’ none were in subjects that would affect his desired field.
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The Astronomy ‘fail’ bothered him a little, he realized; he should have passed, he felt, and while he didn’t feel passionately about it as Hermione did, he could understand why it was so important to her. He looked up and saw Professor McGonagall looking at him as if trying to discern his reaction to his results by his facial expressions. “It’s kind of a mixed bag, isn’t it?” she commented. ““The Astronomy ‘fail,’ though… I really think I should have passed, but with what they did to you and tried to do to Hagrid, it was impossible to concentrate–” “Yes, I understand, you needn’t elaborate further,” McGonagall interrupted him. “Believe me, I have already heard plenty on the subject from Miss Granger.” “And?” Harry prompted her. He was curious to know where she stood on the subject. McGonagall sighed. “Objectively, I would say I lean a small bit in Miss Granger’s direction. O.W.L.s are so important that a student should make every effort to Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Everything Shirt ignore any distractions, he knew that McGonagall had a particular aversion to being interrupted.
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“We thought they might have killed you.” • 44 • McGonagall looked slightly annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. “Thank you, Harry,” she said kindly. “Fortunately, the people at St. Mungo’s known what they are doing. To Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Everything Shirt continue, as I said, one can say that those taking the test should never allow themselves to be distracted. On the other hand, Miss Granger is quite correct when she points out that it is up to the testers to provide a distraction-free environment. In addition, then-Headmistress Umbridge,” she
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