I definitely Funny Hamilton Is My Home Boy Shirt recommend watching Flickering Lights, The Green Butchers, and Adams Apples. Definitely worth a watch. They’re oldies but goldies, dark comedy masterpieces. Vinterberg’s best since The Hunt IMO, though not quite on that level. One of Mads’ best in a while too, the two clearly work well together. It’s not really a comedy but a lot more fun to watch than The Hunt, even if it has an underlying melancholy the whole way through. The Mads dance scene is such a highlight and something I wanted for literal years. I feel like The Hunt is a low key horror movie because what that man goes through is both terrifyingly plausible and absolutely heartwrenching.
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I’ve been Funny Hamilton Is My Home Boy Shirts looking around for it as well. It got picked up by Samuel Goldwyn Films for US distribution although there is no word on when it will be released. I’m hoping it will at the very least get a limited theater run – I’d be willing to take a drive.I googled it, read a few articles and reviews, and still have absolutely no idea when this gets released into theaters, if it was bought by a streaming company, etc. All of this publicity for absolutely nothing. It’s already released in Denmark. If there’s no info assume it isn’t releasing elsewhere for now.
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