because he was mad at you for saying the name!” “Yes, David, and the fact that he did it is proof that I was doing the right thing, and should continue doing it. Doesn’t it make sense that if Voldemort is angry at what you’re doing, it’s a good thing to be doing?” “Yes, sir, but.. we heard your scream through a Funny Harry Styles Treat The Planet With Kindness Shirt thick wall! Aren’t you afraid he’s going to do it again?” “Oh, he’s going to do it again, that’s for sure,” Harry agreed. “And he’s going to keep doing it. That’s why I have to fight him.
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Now, the Cruciatus Curse is no fun–” “What Professor Potter means to say,” Dumbledore interrupted with a Funny Harry Styles Treat The Planet With Kindness Shirt slightly reproving glance at Harry, “is that the Cruciatus Curse is the most hideously painful torture known to man, but that he will face it anyway, to defy Voldemort.” The first years gaped at him. Harry said, “Well, yes, those wouldn’t have been my exact words, but…” “You have yet to learn, Harry, that there is a point at which modesty ends and dissembling begins. Please try to keep that in mind.” “Yes, sir… anyway, yes, it’s extremely painful. People have lost their minds from having it done to them for too long,” he continued, to the still-awed first years. “But I have to keep doing this;
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I have to get people to Funny Harry Styles Treat The Planet With Kindness Shirt say the name, so they won’t be scared of it. And

I’m not putting anyone else at risk; the only one he can get to like this is me. But I’m going to stop him. I’m going to beat him.” “But how can you beat him, sir?” asked David, as Harry saw Hermione and Ginny come flying out the castle entrance, running toward him at full speed. • 292 • “By keeping him out of my mind,” Harry answered. “With practice, I can do it. Professor Dumbledore’s going to help me.” “Better brace for impact, Harry,” Ron advised, as Hermione and Ginny got nearer. Hermione was closer. “Oh, Harry!” she cried as she plowed into him, nearly knocking him
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