intentional: this is the most severe, making the person a direct accessory and collusion. An example would include intentionally giving the offending party the code for usage. Even without knowing intentions. 100% equal guilt. This is someone knowing the best practices for security, having received training and in a position of authority to know better. An example of this might be leaving it on a piece of paper out in the open in a Funny Personal Cat Servant vintage Shirt nonsecure area. Just in general FLAGRANTLY not giving one damn. 80% culpable. negligent: this is less severe than gross, but is still damning. Basically the idea that you’re not following best or even standard security practices. 60% culpable.
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reckless: here is where someone had no intentions of something bad happening, tried to Funny Personal Cat Servant vintage Shirt follow the standards, but maybe just wasn’t mature enough to possess proper judgment. One of the creators looks at his friend and also “cleared” person and says “hah mines Gizmo”. Sure enough, other creator logs in with it later in the movie. 40% culpable. Stupidity isn’t a crime but if your stupidity leads to crimes then you are partly accountable. I’d also say this is the easiest one to nail someone on.Ignorant/careless: IGNORANCE is never an excuse. But if that person’s code gave more access than they thought, that is also on the security side firm for not being tighter on their security. Careless is worse than ignorant, but it doesn’t rise to reckless IMO.
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They were scammed, in the dark about everything, and followed what they were supposed to Funny Personal Cat Servant vintage Shirt be doing. This was done by a bad actor Marked might result in 5-10% culpable depending on the stigma lasting in people’s minds (should be 0). Hacked – if no fault of the person – is 0% culpability and can sometimes be the scariest option.
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