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“No, this is one of our most diabolical goodies. It bewitches the paper, not the ink. You start to write, and the ink disappears exactly one minute after it hits the paper. pointed out, Fred. “Should we put disclaimers on our fake wands, saying ‘Do not use this to God is Great Cows are Good and People are Crazy Funny Shirt cast or block spells?’ It’s a bad precedent. No, we must rely on the intelligence and maturity of our customers.” “Many of whom will be children,” Hermione pointed out. “Exactly,” agreed Fred.. Harry chuckled. “These are really nice wrappers on the products. Did you do all these as well?. Lee did all of the packagings; He didn’t know for sure, and it was very personal in any case; Neville hadn’t discussed it with him, or anyone else that he knew of. “You know, I’ve wondered about that myself. It’s hard to say for sure. The first time I noticed any change was when
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