I’d have the Good God Says I Am Chosen Loved Blessed Forgiven Unique Prosperous Strong Shirt to agree. The animation of DC movies has gone down considerably in recent years. Like it just looks so cheap now. Honestly, I’d be happy if they could get back to where they were even just 8-10 years ago. They might not have been exactly groundbreaking, but the adaptations for Year One & Dark Knight Returns were far better than most of, if not everything, they’ve made since well you’ll be happy to know that animation style and the universe is over in the last justice League dark film. The new Superman movie is the start of a new universe and style.
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I would love for the Good God Says I Am Chosen Loved Blessed Forgiven Unique Prosperous Strong Shirts to. Imitate the Long Halloween’s art style. I know that’s a pipe dream though. Yeah, I feel like half of what makes Long Halloween great is Tim Sale’s incredible unique art style. The animated movie will inevitably lose that. One of these days I hope they get ambitious and try to make a movie out of a Serious House on Serious Earth. Pulling off the art would probably be incredibly difficult, but it would make for a hell of a watch. Would leave to see the Joker one-shot by Brian Azzarello someday, too though the DC animated films don’t generally shy away from darker aspects, these two might still be a little much.
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