have often interrupted her. “Harry suffered sufficiently last year to deserve an answer to Good One Nation Under God Shirt his question.” “Suffered?” She looked puzzled because she knew Dumbledore wouldn’t have said what he said without good reason. “Being thrown off the Quidditch team • 189 • and having three weeks’ worth of detentions is unpleasant, I agree, but ‘suffer’ seems too strong a word for it.” “Minerva, do you recall that before Professor Umbridge left us this year,
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I had a chat with her, in which she was most forthcoming with truthful answers?” Harry wondered how Dumbledore had managed that and realized that there was still a lot he didn’t know about Dumbledore’s abilities. “Of course, we discussed that. Why?” “Because she told me what she had Harry doing in those detentions.” He then described the pen she had made Harry use to write lines, and how it worked. McGonagall’s mouth dropped open. She stared at Harry, horrified, and astonished. Her mouth moved, but no sound came out for a few seconds. Finally, she managed, “Why… why on earth did you not come to Good One Nation Under God Shirt me and tell me this? I would have put a stop to it even if it meant having to restrain her physically!” Harry had a determined look on his face; he was remembering those detentions, and the effort it took to endure the pain and not show it. Dumbledore was regarding him seriously. “If you have been watching Harry’s face for the past few seconds, Minerva, the reason should be apparent.” She stared at him more intently; he saw realization deserves an answer to
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“I’ll be reminding him of that, too” said Ginny. “Bye!” They said their goodbyes and left the shop. Ron suggested they head over to Florean Fortescue’s ice cream parlor, and the others agreed. As they approached the parlor, at one of the outdoor tables, they saw Neville and his grandmother. Both stood up as they saw Harry and the others heading their way. “Neville! It’s good to see you again,” said Ginny. “Hi, everyone,” said Neville cheerfully. “C’ mere, pull another table over next to Good One Nation Under God Shirt this one and sit down.” They did so Mrs. Longbottom looked like her usual no-nonsense self. “I’m pleased to see you all again,” she said, politely. “Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Professor Potter.” The others smiled at Harry’s expense, knowing he would be embarrassed. To Harry, she said, “Would you step over here for a moment, please
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