were fainting? Why were you fainting, anyway?” Harry decided to share another confidence, since it wasn’t anything that could hurt them if it got out. He wanted her to feel comfortable with him. He looked her in the eyes and said, “When dementors get close to Good Thug Life Band Members Shirt me, I see my mother and father being killed.” She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh, Harry, I’m so sorry..
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.I had no idea, and I kept making fun of you…” She looked distraught. “Don’t worry about it, Pansy. You’re not that person anymore,” he said earnestly. “Really, don’t worry about it.” “I know, I just feel so stupid. I don’t think I want to use dementors as a signal.” “Okay, how about this,” Harry suggested. “You just call me ‘Professor Potter’ in a really snide voice. And if I want to talk to you… well, I can’t insult you, I’m a teacher…I’ll just stare at you, as if you’ve done something wrong. Then we’ll try to Good Thug Life Band Members Shirt meet in the Defense Against the Dark Arts room as soon as we can. If it’s really an emergency, just go to Professors McGonagall or Dumbledore, tell them you need to see me.” As he was talking, she had started petting Fawkes. “He’s so beautiful, and his feathers are so soft…
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” Like Harry yesterday, she was having trouble stopping. “You did get what I said, right?” Harry asked. “‘Professor Potter’ snide, you stare at me, Dark Arts classroom, emergency go to McGonagall or Dumbledore. I was listening,” she said, a bit defensively. She stopped petting Fawkes…” He nodded, gesturing for her to Good Thug Life Band Members Shirt continue. • 397 • “I overheard a few Gryffindor first years telling someone about hearing you scream, both nights. They were pretty vivid descriptions, and knowing about the Curse, I’m sure they were accurate.” She shook her head.
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