whole story, and… the fact that you did that, I know you, you would never do that, you must have been in so Good Weequahic High School Alumni Indians Shirt much pain…” She blew her nose, then continued. “I guess I went on empathy overload. I felt too much of your pain. But it makes me understand how what you did could happen. You weren’t yourself.” She extricated herself from Harry and sat back up, blowing her nose one last time. Ron finally spoke. “No one else was there, were they? I mean, you could do life in Azkaban for that…
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Harry forced a small smile. “But no, no one else was there, I’m sure.” “He’d never be convicted anyway,” argued Ginny, “considering the circumstances.” “Whether that’s true or not, obviously it was the farthest thing from my mind at the time. I do know that the Muggle courts say that to be convicted of a crime, you have to Good Weequahic High School Alumni Indians Shirt have been mentally competent when you committed it. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t.” “What happened then?” asked Neville. “Did it work?” “For less than a second,” Harry said. “She screamed and went down, but got right back up again. She told me it was obvious I’d never done that before, and that to do it so it lasts you have to be focusing on wanting to inflict pain, you have to enjoy it.” He paused, thinking. “. “It’s a horrible thing to do, whatever the reason.” “C’mon, Harry,” said Ginny. he had been focused on having lost Sirius recently and hadn’t thought about this incident so much. “But it’s obviously at least some small part of who I am, if even in that state of mind, I could do it. It’s there, somewhere.” “It’s there in all of us, Harry,” Hermione said. “We’re all capable of something like that, or worse.
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about the loss you suffered… is a provocation almost beyond imagining. Next to Good Weequahic High School Alumni Indians Shirt that, what you did… seems understandable.” “To me, especially,” Neville said grimly. “She taunted you, too,” Harry said quietly. “About your parents. Before she tortured you.” The others looked shocked again; they hadn’t known what Bellatrix had said to Neville. “And if I’d had a wand, and had enough magical ability to think that the Cruciatus Curse would do any good, I’m almost certain I would have done it, maybe sustainably. I don’t know,” said Neville.
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