And then obviously it spawned sequels which turned the series a bit campier and lost the original message a Happy LGBT If Harry Potter Taught Us Anything It Was That No One Shirt bit. An old one, but My Fair Lady. It’s based on the play Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw, and in that version, Eliza realizes Henry treats her terribly and she deserves kindness, so she leaves him. The musical/movie version is the complete opposite of that and annoys me more than it should. Wonder Woman. The lesson near the end is that the god of war doesn’t exist and it’s just men who are fighting without supernatural encouragement.
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Agreed, I thought her ending was kind of sad because of that. I don’t think he ever intended to Happy LGBT If Harry Potter Taught Us Anything It Was That No One Shirt marry her. I think he just wanted her as a companion. She doesn’t get a spouse, she doesn’t fit in properly anywhere anymore. I think they had different writers and that 2nd half of the movie was a different writer from the first. Yeah, they try to work around that by having him say stuff like “oh I only nudge them this is what they’re really like”. But yeah it kinda undermines the whole narrative of a naive WW who has to discover that this is the way the world works when there is a literal God of War pulling strings.
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She never gets mutual love and respect in the end and really settles to Happy LGBT If Harry Potter Taught Us Anything It Was That No One Shirt be the prof’s companion. At least Freddy really loved her for her brazen spirit. And yes Freddy might have been a bit green and could have lost his inheritance if he showed up with her at home. But marriages like that still happened at the time (some made it as shun d self-starter middle class- poor, some as grudgingly accepted lower upper class and some still failed miserably because of the differences but all of them at least had some happy moments). At least Freddy seems genuinely infatuated with her (never got her and the professor who ignores her mostly and just sees her as a test subject for his thesis. No show of love or Respec even). I might be slightly biased since his song (I have often walked..) and choreography is one of the best male ones in the musical mirroring singing in the rain title-song walk.
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