It’s kinda like that guy in Buffalo. The police in their report said he “tripped and fell” and yet when you see the footage the cops push him forcefully away, especially for an old man and you see him whack the back of his head against the pavement. The cop who originally pushed him goes to I Am A Black Queen And I’m Proud Of My Roots Shirt to help him up as he knows he’s massively fucked up, and try and pick him up and the cop next to him drags him back into the line. They left him there. Only the national guard member gets down to treat him but by that time the blood is pouring out of his ear.
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So that means someone crushing your windpipe or stuff something in it. It takes longer to I Am A Black Queen And I’m Proud Of My Roots Shirt show non-traumatic asphyxiation, which would be what happens when you put enough pressure on someone’s chest cavity or restrict their throat just enough that they can’t breathe enough to keep their brain oxygenated. So basically, they’re using the fact that the terminology is confusing to claim it means something it doesn’t. I don’t get it when people say if he can speak then he’s not choking. All it takes it blocking someone’s artery on their neck to kill them even if they may still be able to somewhat breathe they’ll still knock out and could die if held longer.
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At the time I had a mohawk minding my own business. The entire time saying I was not the guy they were looking for. Kept saying my name was Jake. After about 5 mins of pleading the officer pulled my wallet from my pocket, realized I was not the person he was looking for, uncuffed me, and walked away, no words. I was pissed, called the department stating “I was hoping to I Am A Black Queen And I’m Proud Of My Roots Shirt to catch the name of the officer because he did a great job” as the officer would not provide his name or badge number when asked as he was walking away. I got the name and hung up the call. My father and I later showed up at the police department to file a report and demand an apology. They would not send the officer out to talk to me. They denied the event happened.
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