Don’t fall for the trap that your life needs to be one long narrative that you should be building. Life is best when it’s a bunch of happy moments that just happen to be connected. Time is more important than money. In theory, you could end up a billionaire. But nobody is ever a “time billionaire.” Rich or poor, you’re gonna get maybe 100 years at the absolute max, and probably not that much. There will be several versions of You as you walk your path, but one version that kind of colors all the Icon Couples Who Isolate Together Stay Together Happy Anniversary 2020 Shirt other versions.
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You will have to deal with people. Learn how to leave them happy to have been in your presence. And you will not lack for friends and loved ones. Speaking of loved ones: just because someone is a blood relative, it doesn’t mean they’re worth a shot. If your parent, sibling, or child is an Icon Couples Who Isolate Together Stay Together Happy Anniversary 2020 Shirt complete asshole unworthy of your attention, don’t waste further time on them. I am a geezer, 64 years old. It does not have to suck being old. (I think it’s fucking great, for many reasons.)
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Find something you love to Icon Couples Who Isolate Together Stay Together Happy Anniversary 2020 Shirt do

and do that. Do it every day. It doesn’t matter if you make money at it, or get recognition because of it. Do it like Henry Darger did his writing and drawing, and like Vivian Maier did her photography. Do good work. It is its own reward. What I also take away from this: Life feels short if you’re actually living and having a good time.
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