Why are you getting caught up in the semantics of the fakery? It’s a social contract… If someone is asked to buy beer for a party, the standard social contract is, at the very minimum, an invite to I’m A Dad And A Farmer Nothing Scares Me Shirt the party. Usually, you get them food as well as they spent their money on beers. This is so standard that if I were in OPs position, the fact she didn’t even say anything about an invite wouldn’t have crossed my mind until we got back to my house… The “erm, well, technically, she didn’t say anything about an invite” is complete fucking bullshit and we all know
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it. If she had been clear from the start and said “we need beers, but I don’t have the space to invite you sorry” then they likely still get the beers as the OP seems like a I’m A Dad And A Farmer Nothing Scares Me Shirtgood dude. She knew exactly what she was doing, but never mentioning an invite doesn’t just remove the social contracts that exist when you ask someone to buy beers using their own cash money as well. She could have said something like “Hey, I know this is awkward, but I’d like to ask you a favor. I’m planning on having friends over, but none of us are 19 and we’d like to have some beers. Would you mind buying it for us, pretty please? I’ll give you the cash. I’d really appreciate if you did that for me.” No ambiguity, no offensiveness, just a polite and straight request.
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Putting it as “I’m having a party, would you get the beer?” is how you invite someone to I’m A Dad And A Farmer Nothing Scares Me Shirta party. If this wasn’t deliberately misleading, it sure sounds like it. Fry the bratwurst in a pan with a little bit of oil. Dice an onion and add it to the pan. Add some mustard and salt, and if you have I’d recommend a little bit of ground nutmeg and marjoram (it goes so damn well with bratwurst, really). Once the bratwursts browned and are a little crispy, add some beer and let it reduce. Repeat a few times (if you add too much at once or cook the sausages in the beer, they might burst. Still tastes delicious, but doesn’t look very appealing). Let it simmer for a bit until the sauce has a nice consistency. Eat with sauerkraut and a slice of dark bread, or just with whatever you like. No, they can’t. And I’m tired of people pretending that that’s even happening. It’s not. Let me explain what hunting is. It’s when you go outside and intentionally stalk a prey that is completely unaware with the intention of killing it. If you want to use that analogy, I have a better scenario for you. How’s this: The police are hunters except there are predators completely surrounding them at all times. Some of them will try to harm the hunter. Most will not. The only problem is there is no way to distinguish between the two and anytime the hunter defends himself, every single one of the predators loses their shit and acts like they are victims.
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