They are just now starting to do half as lockdown measures county by county and city by city. When New York shut down we had like 100 flights a day into Miami. We are so fucked. From a I’ve Found The Key To Happiness Stay Away From Idiots Shirt Michigan perspective, most people in Michigan I know feel she is doing well and realize it’s the federal government that is holding us back. Florida’s reaction was disappointing. I don’t wish ill on anybody, but wow was it foolish not to shut down the beaches and other venues promptly. We’re going to see the impact of it very soon. I hope the cost paid in lives and health for those short-sighted decisions will not be high.
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As the whole crisis was starting, I was speaking with a trump supporter on the shop floor(I’m an office employee, so I was out of my comfort area) about the impending crisis.. We started bashing on I’ve Found The Key To Happiness Stay Away From Idiots Shirt Pence together., rather than Trump/Pence. However, the Republicans I’ve spoken to thought it should be Ben Carson, When she first shut us down, everyone around me thought it was an overreaction. Earlier would have been better, but I doubt people would have taken it seriously anyway. I live in the UP and most people seemed to think we were somehow exempt because we went so long with no cases. It wasn’t until they really saw things start to spread that they changed their view. Now there are cases up here (they were probably here all along we just didn’t have the tests) and people are freaking out about people coming up from downstate. Being rural protects us a bit, but it also means we have rural hospitals.
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“Getting a rise” AKA owning the libs is the raison d’etre for most conservatives, and it has been that way for years. The sentiment . A bunch of my Coworkers thinks she is overreacting and causing mass hysteria and planet-wide panic, but I disagree. I’m proud to I’ve Found The Key To Happiness Stay Away From Idiots Shirt have voted for her and I think she’s doing an overall good job.
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