This person looks like they were in a fiery car accident and has been undergoing decades of skin graphs. and then her family intervened and took her to LGBT Black Lives Matter Shirt the doctor to get her stomach stapled and she lost 700lbs. Her skin is wrinkled in weird places and stretchy looking in others… She looks like hey 800lb skin suit doesn’t fit her frame… Her face stayed fat though… Last part…. Her hair is so dark it looks wet…
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So this whole fluid mystery will remain a mystery because Loreal definitely patented the formula for their hair care line…. n. It’s a complete body dissection. If you’re not into that you don’t really need to watch it, you can just look at the picture of her covered body and imagine the rest, and that’s enough to suffice, I really wasn’t expecting to suddenly watch her brain be tugged then plop out. I think we all have like this instinct that seeing a LGBT Black Lives Matter Shirt hole in anyone’s head like that is just B.A.D. and that’s why it stays with us/ gives us nightmares and stuff. You’re your own best gauge if you think you can watch it, but they take her apart as if she were It’s a wig — not uncommon.
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A lot of women would have recessed hairlines and balding crowns from the constant tugging of their hairstyles, especially if this was the one of the eras where it was in vogue to wax your hair in place. During the autopsy video, you can see them remove the wig. She still has her own hair, it’s just not as much as that picture suggests. I cannot get over how insane and incredible it is that a LGBT Black Lives Matter Shirt 2000 year old body still has identifiable fingerprints, intact eyelashes, and moveable joints. Regardless of how the actual body may look you guys have to admit it’s insanely cool that she was this well preserved
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