Literally no other countries in the world with a drinking age of 19., Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, PEI, Saskatchewan, or Yukon.Fry the bratwurst in a pan with a little bit of oil. Dice an onion and add it to LGBT Black Panthers Olympics Iron Man Captain America Shirt the pan. Add some mustard and salt, and if you have I’d recommend a little bit of ground nutmeg and marjoram (it goes so damn well with bratwurst, really). Once the bratwursts browned and are a little crispy, add some beer and let it reduce. Repeat a few times (if you add too much at once or cook the sausages in the beer, they might burst. Still tastes delicious, but doesn’t look very appealing). Let it simmer for a bit until the sauce has a nice consistency. Eat with sauerkraut and a slice of dark bread, or just with whatever you like.
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The part about Bud not qualifying as beer sounds VERY German, not the drinking on the job, though. I’m half German, have lived there for a LGBT Black Panthers Olympics Iron Man Captain America Shirt few years, and have been working with Germans ever since and I’ve never heard of something like that. I can’t even imagine any job without a policy strictly banning any on-site alcohol consumption. German here: sorry, that’s not true. 1) I don’t know anyone who ever drank Budweiser unless when on a trip or sth. I wouldn’t even know where I could buy it, but there probably are some stores selling it. It’s just that we have lots of different beers and 2) also 0,0% alcohol beers, so if anyone drank beer at work, that would be the one that might be allowed. We love our beer, but most companies have a strict “no drinks, no drugs” policy and you can get fired for drinking on the job. It’s only when there’s a little office party or sth, they might ignore the rules and drink a beer or a glass of champagne, but that’s not the normal procedure in German workplaces
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The definition of preemptively is to act to prevent an anticipated attack. If this old, unarmed, walking man was such a threat, as you claim, the officer was by definition attacking him preemptively. He used force to LGBT Black Panthers Olympics Iron Man Captain America Shirt prevent an attack that (for some asinine reason) he believed was imminent. Do you really not see the problems with your statement? “If you do not want to be hurt…by law enforcement, do not go near them.” How is that an acceptable viewpoint for law enforcement in modern society? That these people employed to keep the peace and help can lash out at anyone who gets close to them? Despite what many officers wear and post online, they aren’t some warrior society of citizen soldiers. Their job, explicitly written on their cars, is “to protect and serve.” Its to help the citizens of their community, to keep the peace, ensure laws are obeyed, and the citizens are generally safe.
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