No, please, let’s all hear his unadulterated thoughts on the issue. Everyone should know exegete he stands so Merica Fuck Yeah American Map Flag Shirt there is no debate on his feelings on the issue. Let’s interview all the Republican Senators and House Republicans first so we all know how they feel on the issue before Trump says how he feels. Ok hijacking top comment because all my comments containing the DL link are not showing. Go to Planet Minecraft and search Drehmal or search just Drehmal v2 in Google and you should find it.
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Sorry for the inconvenience. Depends, Reddit’s natural spam filter will automatically remove most links to sketchy websites and/or a Merica Fuck Yeah American Map Flag Shirt comment containing only a link, but otherwise yeah it’s up to the subreddit setting of “spam detection strength” or whatever it’s called. I play regularly and you misunderstand. How the generation works, means those oceans, no matter how large they are, are enclosed. No matter what direction you sail in, you will eventually hit land. Also due to how the biomes generate, its EXTREMELY rare, for multiple ocean biomes to overlap and create an actual
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Like I’m not even talking about how he has properly placed biomes and environments I’m talking about just purely the shape. Its a landmass, with multiple biomes, surrounded entirely by water. This is frustrating for me and my friends who like making little RPG worlds, cause when mapping the “world” the landmasses just go on Merica Fuck Yeah American Map Flag Shirt forever and ever. It’s not impossible for the RNG to eventually generate a seed where it meets those conditions, but its something like 1 in 1000 chance. So when I refer to oceans as “puddles” its cause instead of generating landmasses surrounded by water, Minecraft SINCE 1.13 generates oceans surrounded by land. If Minecraft made it, 71% of the earth would be land with the rest water. I love how passionate you are about Minecraft. That’s rad! I used to play a hell of a lot in 2010-2012, but I might get back into it now that I’ve got an RTX machine. I love how passionate you are about
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