The Secret Service is not riot police. They looked scared as hell out there last night dealing with that angry crowds. The Secret Service doesn’t deal with pushback – they remove threats or remove the protectee, that is their charge. They’re not an auxiliary police force ready to face off against thousands of citizens; dealing with riots just isn’t their job. When Trump won and I told him how worried and afraid I was, he told me it was going to be fine. His sentiment was that this is America and we always pull through. Now? My dad says we’re fucked as a My Child Is A Chihuahua Dog Shirt country. He’s scared and worried. He said if Trump wins again then it’s all over. America as we know it is done for.
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If that fence was breached and they started pumping gunfire into the crowd to My Child Is A Chihuahua Dog Shirt protect the White House, that respect from the public would disappear in an instant. It was amazing, and frankly very revealing, to see the secret service out there on the front lines last night. The White House was not expecting a protest at its gates; they were completely caught with their pants down. If there were any question about that fact, Trump confirmed it this morning with his bombastic threats about what “would have happened” if the crowd breached the White House grounds. There Is ZERO CHANCE the secret service would open up with live munition on the protesters for breaching the barricade fences they put up. They would fall back if they lost control, and secure the actual wall.
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The entire purpose of those barricades before the actual WH wall is to My Child Is A Chihuahua Dog Shirt allow them room and ability to fall back – as passing that wall is probably where it goes from nonlethal force to lethal force. Remember their goal is protecting the POTUS, so that means assuming anyone over that wall is a threat, like suicide vest or worse type threat. The barricade fence gave them room to not have to be thinking that way. One guy running towards the WH after jumping a fence or wall is one thing, but 50? 100? Yeah, that’s when they get nervous as it only takes one psycho or foreign government agencies to be in that group. And then he still has over 2 more months in office after/ if he loses until January 20th. And right now, he’s a hell of a dangerous animal.
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