Yikes, Trump somehow trolled him without even being there. He willingly modeled horse shit until it looked like Trump. It is the tendency to read every word uttered by the President as Russian propaganda or some other ridiculous sentiment. Well Reddit is obsessed with hating Trump. Op knew he/she would get a lot of Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Horse Shirt posting this pic. They have 4 more years of all this wonderful karma whoring. And OP spent hours upon hours playing in horse shit to create this. Talk about a shitty thing to do. I was completely grossed out, but they laughed and said “it’s mostly just grass.” Yeah, but it came out a horse’s butt, and that “mostly”.
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The part made me want to vomit. Back in grade seven, I was walking home with two friends of mine. And we passed a pile of manure some horse had thoughtfully dropped on the sidewalk. We were in the Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Horse Shirt, why there was a horse walking there still baffles me. They had both spent a lot of time with horses. So they decided to use these turds like snowballs, and threw them at each other until they’d fallen apart. Until I think one day when this civilization collapses and we’re discovered by future archaeologists. Then they’ll find stuff like this and take it as evidence of a cult of divine king worship, these heads like great Olmec monuments awaiting them.
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Joke’s on the artist: one day in 10,000 years all of this will be wiped out except somehow the Donald Dump head survives. And it’s all the alien cultures have left of us. And thus the unwitting artist has immortalized Donald Trump in a Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Horse Shirt. The aliens think we all walked around looking like that. Right? I don’t like Trump one bit but things like this and orange man bad just makes you seem as dumb and hivemind-y as the other side. Especially with this election and Biden I’ve realized how similar both sides are and confirmed my political identity as an independent. Who is out here sculpting out of horse shit?
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