Other medications for rheumatoid arthritis have side effects like a Nice Cake Heart American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt reaction that can become fatal within 24 hours after administration. And that’s on the market (I’m on one of those). Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that can be extremely severe. I was barely able to eat or walk at my diagnosis, and more than 2 decades have passed since then. Understanding the context for “relatively safe” is important.
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My wife takes it, she is at the maximum dose currently. Even split so she takes half in the evening and half the next morning, she gets incredibly nauseous and generally just feels like shit after taking it. Everyone is different and only do what your wife’s rheumatologist recommends. I get very bad lung inflammation when I flare, and this has been a Nice Cake Heart American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt goddamned miracle. It’s impact and side effects are not as severe as more potent treatment options like powerful biotics. Or if you just decide to try everything, then now you have to deal with unknown drug interactions.
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This is what people need to understand about the non-evidence-based “why not” ideas. I see out there. In addition to the added risks, if you use a medication without evidence you are very likely not trying something with more evidence. This is why we have clinical practice guidelines with first-line treatments. My wife hasn’t been able to get it in over a Nice Cake Heart American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt week because her underlying disease, keeping her body from attacking itself, requires her to take it twice a day. But now because of trump pushing it, there are hard restrictions in place allowing for only 30 qty at a time. They won’t fill hers currently with everyone pointing fingers.
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