We saw Nice I Didn’t Choose To Be Redneck I Just Got Lucky Shirt this same after GW Bush and just before Obama’s first term with the Tea Party. I hope Biden’s team and Dems will laugh in GOP face for 8 yrs. No more ‘across the aisle’ bullcrap. I swear, if I hear the bull about the debt again I’m going to scream. No one has mentioned it for all of trump’s term, if they start bringing it up again I’m going to lose my mind. Nope. That argument is a non-starter for the foreseeable future. Anytime they start to go there, Democrats must say that we were already running a 1 trillion deficit before COVID. Because of the Trump tax cuts for corporations.
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And the Nice I Didn’t Choose To Be Redneck I Just Got Lucky Shirts wealthy. Can’t get much accomplished when you don’t have the budget to do so. It’s almost like this is intentional? I really hope that, if Democrats take the House and Senate, they follow up on that threat and straight-up ignore the Republican’s concerns, complaints, whining, etc. Just give them the exact same treatment they did with the Democrats. If they try to pass unreasonable bills, let them die, don’t even vote on them. Did Moscow Mitch lose weight? His chin skin seems to be hanging a bit looser. Looks like the weight is literally melting off his face. Good for him.
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