Essentially Colston was a notorious slaver, and in his later years he used a lot of the money he made from slavery to Nice Jobu’s Rum Is Very Bad To Steal Shirt build public buildings and infrastructure in Bristol. Went from slaver to philanthropist. I think this statue was put up in the late 1800s, so they didn’t particularly care about the bad side of Colston’s history. People in Bristol have been petitioning for this to be removed for years, but the council has just ignored them really. Which is a shame, because now the statue is in the river when it could’ve just simply been moved to a museum – which is what many people wanted.
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Bristol Floating Harbour was created because the huge tides in the estuary caused all boats to be cast aground during low tide. The term ‘shipshape and Bristol fashion’ refers to Nice Jobu’s Rum Is Very Bad To Steal Shirt the practice of tying everything down so it wouldn’t roll around when the tide went out and the boat tipped over. Isambard Kingdom Brunel built the floating harbour as a locked harbour, so when the tide is high they open the locks to let the water in, and when it starts to go out they close the locks and keep the boats afloat. The New Cut was dug out to redirect the tidal Avon around the floating harbour. An incredible feat of engineering. Please also refer to the Bristol Suspension Bridge.
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I once took terminated employee down to the hall (young-ish, nervous, didn’t know what he was doing) to Nice Jobu’s Rum Is Very Bad To Steal Shirt discuss his situation with our rep. I sat in on the meeting. The employee was absolutely terminated for proper cause and after following, contractually require a progression of discipline. The rep told him it wouldn’t be right for the membership to dispute his case as he clearly deserved to be fired. After all, what good would it serve the union to defend employees that shouldn’t be doing the job? They did offer him training programs, and to be put on other call lists on a probationary basis or something.
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