Since we’re the Nice Stop Waiting Let Go Skating Shirt topic about toilets I just took the biggest wettest shit I ever took, I mean it was so big it split in two during class now I have no idea what we’re supposed to be doing. This is gonna sound cruel, but back in bo2 days I and my friend were playing motd and I told him I had to go do something. I ended up taking a nice relaxing shower. I came back and he asked ” where did you go ” I just responded oh I just took a shower. He got mad and we still remember and laugh about it to this day.
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You Nice Stop Waiting Let Go Skating Shirts forgot the part where the zombie gets too close to your teammate and starts attacking him so you have to end the round to stop him from losing his perks. Once my friend when AFK to eat and I just kept playing. I would let him die and revive him constantly by the time he got back he had 75 downs. I’ve never played zombies with a friend before can someone please explain the meme. Just replace the Mario music with the zombie screaming and you’re character yelling. About how this zombie keeps on hitting them and wishing you could change the volume settings in the menu.
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