Is cannabis a presenting issue or actually impacting functioning? Or is it just a concern because they’re underage? This. What’s the Official Canabis Blunt Slut Vintage Shirt? Is there subjective distress or problems in functioning that arise from cannabis use? Are parents concerned but the adolescent is not? I ask because that changes how you approach it. If you are being called on to treat cannabis use, that’s one thing. But if it’s incidental, you might not have a lot of traction. This is my thought exactly. And when I brought up harm reduction, I was met with the “well we attempt for abstinence,” viewpoint. I wrote more details above in another response.
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If you find that helpful. Thank you for your help btw! I like to maintain a curious stance and lean on harm reduction around reducing the impact on functioning. And the adolescent staying safe while using. Though it’s hard for me to imagine how once per week usage. Unless it’s accompanied by major risk-taking, an Official Canabis Blunt Slut Vintage Shirt in academic performance, social complications, etc. That is all that likely to be clinically relevant. Or how, again without the above factors around the impact of use, that would qualify someone for a diagnosis. This is why I’m done pushing agency/corporate agendas.
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Therapy is about individual goals and meeting clients where they’re at, not about the establishment’s agendas. People are only motivated to change their own perceived problems. Respond with “abstinence is the highest form of harm reduction” or something similar. As in, abstinence is the safest way one can have a relationship with a drug). The “Official Canabis Blunt Slut Vintage Shirt” response is… well, it is a therapist-driven goal which (esp for a teenager) is likely a good goal. But isn’t the client’s goal so its a moot point whether its good or not. Old school therapists don’t seem to understand. That practicing harm reduction informed therapy IS.
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