him that you know? Isn’t that worse for you?” Harry shook his head. “If Voldemort could have gotten me, he would have by now. It’s not for lack of trying. And once he gets me, the prophecy doesn’t matter anymore.” “How does he even know about the prophecy, then, if he’s never heard it? “He knows a part of it. Dumbledore told me that one of his people was present and heard the first few sentences before being made to leave.” Harry thought for a Official Elena Sandra Ruth Sonia LGBT Equality Shirt minute. “I guess I could tell you that part safely;
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he knows it, so there’s no danger if you do.” They nodded in anticipation. “Let’s see, how did the first part go…” Harry struggled to remember the words as accurately as he could; he had played them back in his head several times. “’The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches… born to Official Elena Sandra Ruth Sonia LGBT Equality Shirt those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies.’ That’s as much as Voldemort knows of the prophecy.” Everyone sat quietly for a minute, trying to digest this and figure out what it meant. Then Hermione said, “Your birthday is at the end of July.. “What does it mean, ‘thrice defied him?’” Ron asked. “What does ‘defy’ mean in this case? asked. “It couldn’t have been anyone else?”. He said that at that time, there were two wizard children it could have referred to. I was one.”
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“Did he say who the other one was?” asked Ron. Harry wasn’t sure whether he should say it, but in a Official Elena Sandra Ruth Sonia LGBT Equality Shirt fundamental way, he felt Neville had the right to know. “Yes, he did,” said Harry. He stared at Neville. Neville was the last one to work out what Harry’s stare meant. Hermione gasped. “You mean… the other one it could have been… was Neville?” Harry nodded and kept his gaze on Neville. “Your birthday is only a few days away from mine. Your parents fought Voldemort.” Neville appeared to be in complete shock. His facial expression was unmoving, staring straight ahead. “But the prophecy had your name on it,” Ginny pointed out. “So how did they know that it was you and not Neville?” asked Hermione. “When he went after you, he didn’t know for sure it was you, it could have been Neville as far as he was concerned, couldn’t it?” “Yes,” Harry answered.
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