There is actually a fascinating reason for the occurrence of homosexuality among juvenile male lions! And I’m going to Official Hippie Soul Pigeon shirt tell you because I feel like it and I am procrastinating from doing my work. Firstly, lions live in polygyny, or a pride consisting of one male and many females. A female will only join a pride or remain in pride if she feels like the male lion is superior though. When a male cub reaches the age and becomes a juvenile, (basically a teenager), they get kicked out of the pride to live on their own. They have full intentions of attracting females and creating their own pride, but because they’re young, egotistical brats, female lions think they’re full of shit and don’t create a pride with them. So the male lion tries to make it without a pride- not an easy thing to do, especially for a pack hunter like a lion.
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And so, young male juvenile lion meets one or two other young male juvenile lions, who are also brats, and instead of fighting each other to Official Hippie Soul Pigeon shirt the death they say, “alright mate, we’re both borderline starving to death because this is the first time we’ve ever needed to hunt, never mind the fact we’re hunting all alone, so let’s say we buddy up and help each other out, eh?” And that’s exactly what they do. The two or three lions hunt and chill with each other until they grow a bigger mane and become more mature, or they might just stay together in some cases.
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This is basically the reason you see male lions hunting in the wild – while females do all the hunting in a traditional pride if you’re a Official Hippie Soul Pigeon shirt dude with no chicks, you gotta hunt for yourself. Or for yourself and your two other bros. The gay part is how male juvenile lions keep peace and bond with each other in their packs; grooming and sex. It’s difficult for three male lions who usually would fight to the death if they had their own pride to keep up friendly appearances, so they go all out. At that point they either keep on being fuck buddies until they become cool enough to form their own feelings of pride or if they end up staying kind of wimpy, they just keep on fucking. Aka they remain in their mini male pride. Their little gay pride. Basically, if the lions end up being twinks they definitely ain’t getting any chicks, and a twink lion doesn’t really have much of a chance on his own, so he stays in his little band of twink lions. Or maybe a twink lion and an actually-decent-at-being-a-lion lion who’s chill with the arrangement.
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