A week ago a band I’m subscribed to uploaded a full concert from 2017. I didn’t have time to watch it then. Then this week I do, and I figure it would be easier to Official LGBT Dungeons Dragons Dudes Shirt search instead of scrolling through my subscriptions on my phone. That video wasn’t on the page of results, but their channel was. So I go to their channel and find that under their “videos” tab all the uploads are in what appears to be a random order (I’m guessing it’s by views, likes, or some combination), with no sort function. Why does it not just show their most recent ones first The worst for me is looking for specific phrases in quotes, for example, error messages. It’s happened to me so much lately that Google will return literally zero results,
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and I’ll have to go over to Bing. Bing! And lo and behold there’s my error message with the info I was looking for. I don’t get it. Copy/pasting compiler errors into google used to return StackOverflow. Now? I keep getting ads for companies named something like “Stopcode watches” or fucking whatever. Good luck getting to any kind of documentation from the first two pages, because for some reason they buried any links to Official LGBT Dungeons Dragons Dudes Shirt things like the javadocs on the eighth page of results. No use to developers, but man if I want ugly streetwear with poorly translated gibberish google can hook me the fuck up.
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I swear to God I just ran into this – I googled Patrick Nagel the artist because I wanted to Official LGBT Dungeons Dragons Dudes Shirt maybe buy a Rio poster and the artist website isn’t the fuckin first link – like what the hell – how can anything be more relevant to my interest than the actual page I was trying to go to? It might be my fault that images return so many products. Google shopping doesn’t care if I need a twin-sized, navy, organic cotton, top sheet because I tore mine. I typed something related to bedding, so Google shopping insists I buy one of four thousand different king-sized duvets for $400. I’m sure more and more people using images for a functional shopping filter made the products seem more relevant, even without choosing the product filter. I’m sort of surprised any products make money from advertising on Google shopping considering how terribly it functions. But I only shop online when I need something too specific to find used/local in the time frame. Maybe there are a bunch of people who like to type in “blue” to Google shopping the way my grandmother would browse 6 months of my mom’s catalogs whenever she’d visit.
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