Many moons ago, I saw this meme while being stoned to the core. And took me several days to recover. My dad did the “Official UWL Unveils The Class Of Covid-19 Shirt” owl joke like every day. When I was a kid and it killed me every time. I don’t think I understood I wasn’t supposed to know the punchline of a joke. There’s a good chance this is unique! I checked 116,643,607 image posts and didn’t find a close match. Tinder is great. One day I felt pretty good about myself and gave it a try. Brought me right back to reality. Maybe in a few years I’ll feel good again and I hope tinder is still around to drag me back down without all the hassle of going to a place and spending money there.
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Eh, Tinder is like running a sales business on the side. I’ve been in sales for years and it’s literally just like cold calling. You don’t care about the one-word answers that go anywhere. These are just no’s with the Official UWL Unveils The Class Of Covid-19 Shirt. That sounds true in real life. In Tinder, you almost have to beg for their attention. It’s fair, they don’t owe you anything at all, and they don’t have to be interested. Because they don’t know you beyond your photo. And us guys aren’t perfect. But the number of frustration women put us through online makes dating too much of a chore for us. I honestly have no idea how women talk to 20 guys. If at any point I’m talking to more than 2 women.
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So much this! Women act like they put a lot of effort into finding a man through online dating and talk about how exhausting it is. But really all they are doing is having meaningless interactions with too many Official UWL Unveils The Class Of Covid-19 Shirt. And not putting any real effort into any of those interactions so they wonder why none are interesting. In my interacting with women online I’ve realized that most don’t even read my bio, and consistently ask the same questions over and over when I bring up subjects that we have already talked about, it’s clear they are too distracted by other interactions and can’t keep the different stories straight.
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