Our mini schnauzer Ivan does this too. He also “reminds” us when there’s a cookie sheet on the stovetop. By repeated glances at the cookie sheet and then at us. That’s a classic dog move – no joke. They will draw your attention with their eyes,. Then look at the object they want you to do something about the Official Weed I Bake At 420F Shirt, then back at you. There have been studies about the way dogs use and understand gaze. It’s something that wolves (even tame wolves) don’t do and don’t understand. My cat does this. I trained her not to meow so much. So she uses body language and very meaningful gazes to tell us exactly what she wants.
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She sits in front of her food bowl and looks meaningfully at me, then at her food bowl, and then at the place where the food is kept, then back at her bowl. And then back at me. If I don’t immediately jump to feeding her the food she desires. She will repeat the Official Weed I Bake At 420F Shirt making her gestures very obvious to make it clear to the stupid humans. My cat would wake me up with the loudest Meow! Right in my face, until I meowed very loud back at him. It only took a couple of times and he politely put his paw on my shoulder and gave me a nudge. Then my cats did this I would grab them and drag them under the covers and hug them.
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They both hated this so eventually realized if they didn’t wake up the human. Then they wouldn’t get the stuffing hugged out of them. So you may need some sort of heat prevention to devise to touch the burning machine. Yup, we can all relate. My old dog, two weeks after I adopted him, found an Official Weed I Bake At 420F Shirt somewhere. For the rest of his life, even when he could barely walk, he wanted to go past that community center because he knew, he KNEW, that there was another goddamn bagel waiting for him. God I miss that boy. Oh, adorable. Reminds me of someone else’s dog who found a pie in a bush on their walk. I had to check that bush EVERY time in case of bonus pie.
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