Please sign up! You can actually save a life and it takes such little effort on your part. They send you the swab and it’s a Original Blood Moon Dragon Shirt super easy process. Unfortunately, it’s super unlikely you match but in the rare chance, you do they will pay for your travel/accommodations. Do your research and I assure you will be convinced. I thought it was a painful process with long term affects for the donor when in fact it is not. Everyday I check my email hoping I get the opportunity to help someone with all the healing stuff in my body. You can be a real-life superhero!
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Father here, losing one of my kids is my worst nightmare. I simply cannot understand the grief and pain associated with it. This picture says a thousand words about it but the level of pain is so so far beyond the scope of most people. Those who have lost an Original Blood Moon Dragon Shirtchild has my deepest respect, I truly do not think I could handle it. Interesting fact- my brother was 4 when he died in a farm accident in 1994. All of his organs were donated as it was solely brain death. His organs can and did go into adult recipients. The organs continue to grow to adult size! We’ve gotten to know the boy and his family who received my brother’s heart. It heals my soul still 26 years later thinking of how he saved/improved so many lives. I really have to think it is. Been around here for 8 or 9 years and probably in the last 4 or so I’ve noticed that the amount of terribly worded, near non-sensical titles that make it to the front page has gone way up. I think it’s just as simple as being an attention grabber.
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In the US at least, no one checks to Original Blood Moon Dragon Shirt to see if you are an organ donor until you are already dead. The only guidelines they follow are if the patient requests to have CPR/intubation or not. If they don’t know your preference, they will automatically do everything possible to save your life. Only when they have done this, and the patient will not survive, do they look into organ donation.
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