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. It reminds me that now, Snape’s actually being polite to me, with no trace of his usual attitude. Not friendly, of course, I don’t know if he’s even capable of that, but not nasty. He even praised my actions in this morning’s dream, saying only Dumbledore could have done as well. It’s pretty confusing to have him acting like this. I don’t mind, obviously, I just wish I knew why. I’m watching Hermione sleep as I write this, with Fawkes singing. I’m still amazed that Fawkes chose me. It’s hard to Original Dixie Sweetheart Shirt think of a better thing to have happened to me. He’s already saved my life once, and I have a feeling he’ll do it again before this is all over. But not only that, just the comfort of his • 424 • presence, and the honor of having been chosen, are great. It’s really overwhelming. It’s only been a short time since the article came out, so I haven’t gotten that much reaction, but already Hermione, Ginny, and Cho have told me that I’m wrong to be scared of what might happen to any future girlfriend I might have, that I just have to accept the risk. Maybe they’re right. It’s just that getting others to share my risks has never been something I’ve been good at. I suppose I won’t really know what I’ll do until I’m faced with it. Harry looked up and watched Hermione for a few minutes, lost in thought.
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Then he continued: I guess that’s all I can think of for now; I hope everything is okay with you. Harry. P.S. I was thinking, next summer, on the day before my seventeenth birthday, how about you and I go to an amusement park. I’d like to do that. Let me know. Harry read the letter again, then folded it up to Original Dixie Sweetheart Shirt give to Hedwig later. He picked up the Prophet carefully, being sure not to make enough noise to wake Hermione, and finished reading the article. He thought that it was perhaps a little too generous to him,
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