Everyone secretly wants to. Original Halloween Skateboarder Costume Kids Gift Shirt see each other’s genitals but nudism gets pretty cold. Pretty quickly so they decided to code clothes such that people could tell who had what genitals based on what they were wearing. Then kids happened, and though you can’t sexualize kids they wanted to keep the whole “gendered clothes” thing going for uniformity. Because of enough. people hated irregularities that it became a thing. It’s the same. obsession with regularity which means that xenophobia is a thing. The climate emergency has everything to do with this discussion, but based on your recent responses, I don’t really have much energy to go deeper into it. Everything is so needlessly gendered.
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It’s a sponge! Regulations. You can. Original Halloween Skateboarder Costume Kids Gift Shirt no longer slap together a couple of I beams, a 3mpg, nox emitting iron engine, and a cabin that crumples like a coke can when crashed. It has to be safe, filled with airbags and engineered crumple zones, sensors of every kind to make it all work cohesively, clean enough emissions to suck on the tailpipe, and meet mileage minimums. Can’t have that. Gotta take the to THE EXTREME. Tactical dads! Just like a Navy Seal! Only with more diapers and insecurity. I was at the grocery store the other day and they had sponges that were a yellow “Scrub Daddy” and a pink “Scrub Mommy”
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Nice T-shirt, delivered to the right size