Ask them why they are Perfect Stitch Wake Me Up When 2020 Ends Shirt not paying sister’s bills and buying expensive presents for no thanks? If they still think that you are in the wrong. Then there is no hope and you will always be the scapegoat, expected to pick up her pieces. You are NTA you taught your nephew that there were consequences to his actions even when the mom wouldn’t. She the AH for letting her son be that way. And your family is the AH for taking her side automatically without hearing it from your POV. Especially if she has a history of playing the victim. It’s infuriating to a normal person that you are even starting to feel bad about this.
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In what world does a Perfect Stitch Wake Me Up When 2020 Ends Shirts kid breaks an expensive toy then get rewarded? Even if it was cheap that would be setting a terrible example. You could maybe find out if the broken system can be repaired, and if so, donate it to a deserving child. Also, stop lending her money for anything if she won’t even respect your and your son’s property (or teach her child to respect it as well). Like she didn’t even feel bad that it happened?!?!? Time for her to learn a hard lesson.. money MEANS something, specifically when you (or a child you are responsible for) destroy a very expensive machine.
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The colors are great, and the white material is definitely thinner than what expected. Possibly would want to wear an undershirt with this.