I will never understand this. I’ve ridden sportbikes since my early 20’s and loved every minute of it. I’ve done my share of risky riding but this shit makes no sense. While I don’t condone it, I understand going 120 mph on a mostly empty divided highway, I understand popping wheelies on Premium Black Wall Street Shirt public roads at 11 pm. This shit, however just makes no sense. Even the best rider in the world can’t see around blind corners and these guys are riding in the oncoming lane. I’ve ridden with some fast dudes out in the twisties who have amazing control of their bikes. But rule #1 is to always, always stay in your lane at all times unless you’re passing a car on a long straight with plenty of visibility. This is such an unnecessary risk.
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This is anecdotal, but in my experience, almost everyone that goes down on the group rides is an inexperienced rider who is trying to keep up with the guys who are way above his skill level. To me, that was always the saddest part. It was usually just a new guy trying to fit in. I was never super quick so I usually just went my own speed and met back up with the group at the next stop. Shits nowhere near worth risking your life over. The stupidest part is they’d have a more engaging time if they didn’t cross into the other lane. Like, the point is to hoon about and feel the forces of hard-driving, right? By cutting into the other lane you’re just making the curves less curvy, making them easier to Premium Black Wall Street Shirt take and causing fewer forces to be felt. They aren’t even going that fast, they could go 30mph faster without cutting across the line and still not be pushing the limits of their bikes. This is just roleplay, they want to look like racers, not feel like it. I am a living donor. Donated a kidney about 10 years ago. Not a lot of us lining up to be cut open and have organs removed. In the pre-op classes about organ donation at the facility I went to, I was the only one there does dating, every one of the other 19 people in that class was getting on the list.
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It’s possible to live with part of your liver missing, or 1 kidney instead of 2, but your quality of life goes down significantly. Not many people are lining up to donate part of their liver to a stranger. It’d have to come from a very close family member who also has the same blood type, and even then there is a very real chance of just dying on the table. It’s possible that helped but realistically no one I know who has died from motorcycles has been able to Premium Black Wall Street Shirt be an organ donor. Typically on a motorcycle, if you die you’re going to die at the scene from massive trauma, internal bleeding, etc, and the organs aren’t good anymore by the time they get to you and certainly not by the time they get you back to an operating table. I ride and I’m marked as an organ donor but highly doubt if I died from riding I’d be able to donate.
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