Agreed. Personally, I feel a bit daft wearing one in my neighborhood, as so many people don’t. I’m most certainly not doing it for clout, in fact, I feel a bit out of place, but I do it anyway. I put a mask on once every week/week 1/2 to the Premium Shank This Virus Shirt grocery store. I’m claustrophobic, panicky, can’t breathe….but try to at least protect others. I had someone get angry at me when I bought my Prius. They could not understand that I bought it because it was cheap and I wanted a fuel-efficient and reliable car. Not that I was trying to take away their shitty pickup.
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Simple plain cheeseburger. The girl told me it was going to be $6 something. I get to the window and I see they’re having a food fight. I wait there for what seems like an eternity. “Can you pull around ma’am? Your order is taking longer than expected.” Yeah, no shit. I pull forward and I’m not kidding 12 minutes go by. I shut off my car(wasn’t blocking anyone) and walked in. It still took another 5 minutes and when I got home it looked like they had scooped it up off the Premium Shank This Virus Shirt floor.
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What the hell kind of clout does he think wearing a mask might confer? I feel like a Premium Shank This Virus Shirt complete nob-end wearing one in public, but I do it because it allows you to get essentials tasks done like, you know, buying food, whilst reducing contagion, where is the difficulty in understanding that? Oh, wait, he thinks the valuable commodity of “clout” is earned by spouting controversial BS on Twitter, ok, each to their own. think you nailed it. He comes off as someone who needs to compete with everyone around him all the time.
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