I’ve never done that. Are there rules for that kind of thing? I was thinking the next commenter would tell me why that was such a bad idea. Should I ask first? Nurses with Fanny packs tend to fall into 2 categories: they’re either neurotic messes who can barely handle anything more than a walkie-talkie patient with no meds except IV antibiotics, or they’re complete badasses who can run the whole unit by themselves and take no shit. Source: I am a non-fanny-pack-wearing nurse. Honestly, though, t-shirts vs scrub tops. The badasses that have it together don’t need pockets on their shirts. The Premium Golf Are You Looking At My Putt Vintage Shirt anxious ones do.
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They need to give us fucking hazard pay. They need to give us proper PPE. I don’t want to be a “badass.” I don’t want to be a “hero.” I don’t want applause from people. I want to be able to continue to provide for my family just like everyone else. She just wanted people to stop being liars and assholes because they are exposed to the virus and some of her colleagues already tested positive. She also wished for proper PPE. She’s been wearing the Premium Golf Are You Looking At My Putt Vintage Shirt same masks for like a week unless there’s any stock available.
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I will put my vote to good use. I will continue to Premium Golf Are You Looking At My Putt Vintage Shirt stay indoors and take this very seriously. I will not hoard supplies and buy unnecessary things. I will donate to the proper causes with much research beforehand. I will advocate for you until my dying day and encourage others to do the same. I always go straight home from work and remove all my clothing at the door, regardless of this pandemic. I think this is a pretty common practice for a lot of people in healthcare. Also, my site temporarily revoked our access to wear OR scrubs that get cleaned at the hospital.
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