We aren’t the Premium Michael Myers No Lives Matter Shirt special. Humanity needs a little ego-death. Knowing what you know is a start. However, “other-mindedness”, the ability to know other minds also know is far more advanced and gives rise to the phenomenal ability to ask a question. Humans can ask questions because they know other minds contain information they themselves do not possess. A few people do have crow pets but people generally just want “pretty” birds like parakeets and macaws. This is terrible for those birds because they are not domesticated and have all sorts of anxiety disorders when displaced from their environment and their mate.
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They’re the Premium Michael Myers No Lives Matter Shirts interesting, but I don’t think they’re useful to humans. What are they going to do for you in terms of guarding your property, hunting, pest control, etc… that a dog or cat can’t? Certainly not good for food compared to a chicken or turkey. I always feel such appreciation for other species’ abilities of abstract thought and awareness of their own existence. It makes me, as a human, feel more connected to them, than other living beings. Or more like, less alone as a species. I sometimes wonder, for those who have read the game, if we have treated certain highly intelligent species like the hive treated humans. Where they couldn’t even comprehend our form of consciousness, so presumed we were not conscious.
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