You should rewatch it with the Pretty Hoverboard Champion Hill Valley October 21 2015 Shirt graphic novel having been read. I’m sure it’s great on its own without the read but they did such a phenomenal job tying in the story into the present-day plot, it floored me. Even just small stuff in the background. I wish they’d put a disclaimer on it to read it first. Twenty-six Emmy nominations for a show I was on the fence about because generally, reboots are trash. I was in the exact same boat about the massacre – coincidentally learned about it several months before. Completely insane that people don’t learn about it. Don’t watch the movie, at least not in regards to the series.
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The movie’s existence isn’t recognized by the plot of the Pretty Hoverboard Champion Hill Valley October 21 2015 Shirts series. Especially the massively unnecessary changed the ending and all of the parts left out of the movie that would’ve led up to the proper ending. All of the squid related plots are replaced in the movie. Stick with the original graphic novel. Other than the butcher job they did on the ending, the movie isn’t that bad. It’s lackluster but is visually very true to the comic. Sometimes even shot for shot, so to speak. You’ll get the gist of the original story but it won’t shed light on the Ozymandias/squid storyline. I just don’t understand why they fundamentally changed the ending except to make it bigger. Ruins the whole movie.
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